This new grammar we call an augmented operator grammar. 我们把这种新文法称为扩张算符文法。
Z.S.Harris, the famous American Descriptive Linguist, divides his linguistic study into three stages: "Structure-analysing"," Transformation-analysing" and "Operator Grammar". 美国著名的描写主义语言学家哈利斯,其语言学研究包括三个阶段:结构分析、转换分析和算子语法。
Operator precedence grammar is a powerful tool for handling arithmetic expressions. 算符优先文法是处理算术表达式的有力工具。
The operator prior table of an operator grammar can be solved by Boolean matrix theory. Usually, the relations used were defined on a set of all grammar characters and yield a series great scale Boolean matrices. 算符文法的算符优先表可以用布尔矩阵理论求解,传统的算法在文法的全部符号集合上定义各类关系,导致布尔矩阵规模较大。